Back To School Lookbook

While going back to school is no fun, getting ready for back to school can be a blast! Prepare yourself for the first week of back to school with these essential outfits

1. Your First Day Back


On your first day of school you want to prepare yourself with a cute yet sophisticated look. A simple button up with a pair of cute colored shorts and some converse should do the trick! Never forget to accessorize!! Accessorizing is very important  to spice up a simple outfit.


2. Middle Of  The Week

IMG_0185This outfit is just a little bit more on the casual side, but still totally adorable. The touch of color in the earrings (and also in any added jewlery) gives it just a little pop. Sandals are also a very good option to just slide on especially if your running behind a little.


3. End Of The Week

IMG_0186On the last day of the week when you are already so done with school all you want to do is throw on some leggings and a cute pullover like this fuzzy True Grit! Nikes or Chacos would be completely acceptable with this lazy day outfit!


I hope y’all enjoyed this short little back to school lookbook and can grasp an idea of what kind of outfits to wear throughout that first week (because if we’re being honest we’ll all be wearing that last outfit for the rest of the year!).

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