Back To School Night Routine

Going back to school is always a tough transition. We are so used to going to sleep late and then waking up late, having a stress free week ahead of us. So when we have to go to sleep earlier in order to wake up earlier it's somewhat difficult. This night routine will help you to ease back into your school routine for sure!

1) Get An Early Start

It is very important that you get enough sleep, so you will be energized for your first day back. So in order for you to have enough time for your full night routine and get all the sleep you need, you will want to start your night routine earlier than normal. A healthy time to go to bed is usually around 9-9:30, depending on when you have to wake up. To make sure you have enough time for your routine start around 2hrs before you plan on going to bed.

2) Have Everything Together

Before you get all relaxed you want to make sure you have everything you'll need for the next day ready to go. Packing your book bag, setting out your clothes and jewelry, and planning out how you're going to do your hair and make up are all things you want to have done, so their not floating around in your mind causing you stress or preventing you to go into relax mode.

3) Mini Night Routine

I don't know about you but brushing my teeth and washing my face tends to wake me up more then not. So before I get into 'relax mode' I want to do what I would normally do every nigh. This mini routine includes changing out of your regular day clothes/jewelry, brushing your teeth, Taking off your make up, washing your face, etc. Once you have done so, you are ready to continue.

4) 'Relax Mode'

The first step of going into relax mode is to quickly do your normal shower routine (Including a nice shave) then fill up the bathtub. While you're waiting for the bathtub to fill up, put on your favorite face mask (suggestion: Mask Of Magnaminty from Lush) and light a candle. Another great thing to include is a movie or episode of Netflix to enjoy in your bath time. Once the bathtub is full and you're all ready to go, hop into the bath tub and drop in a bathbomb.
When you have finished your bath, wash off your face mask and put on some cozy pajamas! Oh and don't forget to moisturize your face and legs!

5) Bed Time

Now that you have gone through relax mode you should be getting to the point where you're pretty tired so go ahead and hop into bed and enjoy a good nights rest.

One thought on “Back To School Night Routine

  1. Such a good post! Really like you listed relaxing as the last part before sleep bc that will help one ease into sleeping and falling asleep faster. Xoxo

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