My Experience With The Whole 30 Diet.


Weight loss. Oh how everyone obsesses over it, obsesses over having a model like figure and fitting into society’s image of ‘pretty’. This is something I too have struggled with. Ive always been insecure about how my body looks, especially in summer, the season of ‘the bikini bod’. Just recently I heard about a program called the whole 30 ( ). In the whole 30 they encourage you to cut out grains, dairy, alcohol, and sugar for thirty days. So your essentially cutting out most, if not all, unnatural and processed foods from your diet.

Not for you?

Of course, this diet isn’t for everyone, if you tend to struggle with cutting out foods from your diet, maybe start with cutting out just one group. Once you’ve cut out one group you can continue to cut out the suggested food groups one by one. I personally decided to go all in and cut everything out at once, and I’m glad I did!

During the whole30

Throughout the diet I looked at the Whole 30 as more of a challenge rather then a ‘diet’, which in return kept me motivated. I also kept a good journal where every night I would log what I ate that day, any exercise / physical activity, and then gave myself a rate of the day and a little note.

Food journal example (look online for free printable)

This helped me to stay on track and made sure I was aware of what I was eating.

After the whole30

I have officially been off the diet for for a week and decided that I would continue to eat like I did while on the diet, just a bit less restrictive. Overall I’ve noticed how much I’ve skimmed down, how much clearer my skin is, how much more energy I have, and how much healthier I genuinely feel. As I mentioned before, I will continue to live this healthy lifestyle as best as I can, but will also allow myself 1 cheat meal a week so I don’t miss out on eating my favorite goodies!! From my Whole 30 experience I lost a total of 8 pounds. This is only the begging of my weight loss and fitness journey!

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